Retail investors: Challenges

Concerns: The investment community woke up to a rude shock last Friday. The capital market regulator, SEBI, banned Karvy Stock Broking (KSB). SEBI found that Karvy Stock Broking had fraudulently pledged the shares of some of its clients – after transferring the shares from their Demat accounts without informing them – and raised funds, which were transferred to one of its sister firms, Karvy Realty Pvt Ltd. The PMC Bank has been put under restrictions by the RBI since September after an alleged Rs4,355 crore scam, following which the deposit withdrawal was initially capped at Rs1,000/- causing panic and distress […]

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Money management: Missing the woods for the trees

It is quite normal in the family to discuss about budget and expenses; Husbands focus on reducing grocery bills whereas wife’s obsession is with expensive wasteful expenditure on restaurants and husband’s alcohol. Health-conscious wife advises her husband to join the Gym after seeing her husband’s growing belly.   The family’s budget had been blown by a princely sum of ₹5,000, 10% of their monthly routine expenses. But they have conveniently overlooked some items which have overshoot their expenses. Rent has increased by 30%, Credit card has nearly doubled their average monthly spend. The Singapore vacation overshot the budget by 40%. […]

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Slow down: How to face it?

The quarterly GDP growth has been published and is at 5%; it has also indicated slowdown in manufacturing and industrial activities. There are apprehensions that the economy will face difficult times ahead. The Finance Minister and RBI have come out with measures to counter this slow down. Economic changes are cyclical and so also equity market. It moves upward over a long term. Now the opinion is divided between optimism and pessimism. But at individual level we can focus on what is in our control and accordingly make/revisit our plans. We suggest some actionable;

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Delayed gratification: Key to successful investing

Delayed gratification is making sacrifices now to enjoy the benefits later. Delayed gratification is worth discussing in an age where instant gratification is the norm, not the exception. Delayed gratification feeds into the ability to manage your finances in a better way. It can control the gambling instinct, the decision to persist with your savings strategy when the market is collapsing, the resolve not to compete with the neighbours or social circle, the discipline to save for your retirement. It can yield tremendous returns if you can exercise self-control and tolerance for waiting. David Laibson, an economist at Harvard University, […]

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Can comparisons bring happiness?

Maslow’s fourth level need on esteem indicates the need for recognition on wealth, position and power. In fact, these needs are double edged swords and act like salt in a curry. Excess of it brings unhappiness rather than happiness. I got its validation at a Satsang; “The loser in an undesirable ego battle is happier than the winner”. This has been my secret in being happy in the housing society I live. Social comparison is an innate human tendency. On the one hand, it can fuel motivation and on the other it can bring jealously. The assessments are not evaluated […]

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Investment Bias; Over Confidence

Investment author Jonathan Burton puts forth the Golden Rule of Investing” Don’t be overconfident.  Every investment mistake is rooted in overconfidence”.  In his book Thinking Fast and Slow, Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman called overconfidence “the most significant of the cognitive biases.” He also holds the view that the most damaging of biases that plague an investor is overconfidence. He said “it is the bias he would most like to eliminate if he had a magic wand. But it is built so deeply into the structure of the mind that you couldn’t change it without changing many other things”. It has been described […]

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Mutual Funds: Expenses Ratio and Credit Risk

AMCs  are  permitted to charge  expenses  upto a  maximum of  2.25% in case of Equity funds and 2% in case of Debt funds. But some AMCs were charging higher expenses.SEBI had instructed the AMCs to reduce the expenses ratio effective from 1st April 2019 and the AMCs have reduced the expenses .The expenses of some of the  schemes in   case  of both   Regular plans  and Direct Plans effective 5th April 2019 are as follows.AS may be observed the difference between regular and Direct Plans are commission paid to the Distributors (Banks and Individual agents)

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Women should participate in Family Finance!

The role of women in the society is changing. The number of educated girls are increasing and they are coming out with flying colors in the competitive examinations. They are now career oriented and venturing into areas which were once upon a time were dominated by males. It has provided them with opportunity for financial independence. It is high time women participate in Family’s financial decisions for the following reasons; (1)   More life to live- In old age; women largely depend financially on their spouses. But, with life expectancy of women being higher than men, it is advisable to put in place […]

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Direct vs Regular Plans.

Investors are becoming more aware of Mutual Fund Direct Plans. Investment into Mutual Funds (MFs) can be done in two ways:- Regular Plans whereby a certain ‘expense ratio’ is charged by the mutual fund company ( ie, the AMC – Asset Management Company), as a percentage of the value of your fund, which includes the fee of the AMC as also some fee of the Adviser who is managing your portfolio. Thus, it is a bundled option. The fee of the Advisor is directly credited by the AMC to the Advisor after it has been charged to you. So, the expenses charged […]

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2019: Year of hope

2018 will be remembered for volatility; Crude Oil prices, Rupee-USD rate and Equity market. The sensex has seen it on many occasions earlier: During 1987 it fell 16% and gained 51% next year; it fell 16% in 1998 gained 64% next year; it rose a meagre 4% in 2002 and gained whopping 73% next year; it corrected 52% in 2008 and gained  81% next year; it fell 25% in 2011 and gained 26% in 2012; it rose a meagre 2% in 2016 but gained 28% in 2017. Whenever sensex provides negative or low return, it is followed by a higher […]

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