How to get online CIBIL credit score?

One must know the credit score if you have availed any loan or propose to avail a loan from any Bank. Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd (CIBIL) can provide your credit score. CIBIL is a repository of information, which contains credit history of commercial and individual borrowers. It provides credit score which is called as CIBIL Trans Union Score and it ranges from 300 to 900. A lower score is considered Risky. Higher the credit score is better. Some banks charge higher interest for lower credit score and can even refuse loan.
  Steps to get CIBIL score online a.      Visit to and click on “order now” b.      Fill up the online form c.       Once filled up the form, click on “Make Payment” and make online Payment amounting Rs 450/- by net banking. Do not close the page after making the payment, it will redirect to a CIBIL page where the 3rd step will be performed. Before move to 3rd step, one will get an IDENTIFICATION ID number, please note down it properly. d.      Authentication: Now from security point of view, one will have to answer three questions which related to his credit history. Once answer of these questions, authentication will be successful and one will get his CIBIL score in his email within next 4 days and also get a message after authentication is successful. e.      Then, a payment receipt will come which can be printed. One will also receive a PDF file of payment receipt in his email ID. What if authentication fails? If authentication step fails, one need not be worry. He needs to take a print of the payment receipt, and send to CIBIL with the photocopy of following documents (which one had put in the form) along with signature.  Then one will receive his CIBIL score within next 10 days. Documents required a.      Online Payment Confirmation b.      Identity Proof – PAN / Passport / Voter’s id (Identity proof should be valid) c.       Address Proof – Bank Statement / Electricity Bill / Telephone Bill / Passport / Credit Card Statement (Address proof should be not more than 3 months) Weightages in Credit score. a.     Payment history is 35% 35% of credit score is calculated on the basic of whether one is paying his/her instalments/bills timely or not. Late payments and bankruptcies are reflected in payment history and affect credit score. b.     Debt utilisation level is 30% The amount of debt one has, in comparison with his credit limit is known as credit utilization. The higher credit utilization, lower the credit scores. Lower  credit card balances and loan outstanding helps in better score. c.      Length of credit history 15% 15% of credit score is calculated on the length of credit history. Having a longer credit history gives more information about spending habits. d.     Inquiries are 10% Whenever one makes an application for credit, an inquiry is added to his credit report. Too many applications for credit mean that one is taking a lot of debt which impact credit score. e.     Mix of credit is 10% Having different kinds of accounts is favorable because it shows that one has experience of managing a mix of credit. Address of CIBIL Consumer Relations – Disclosure Request, Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited, Hoechst House, 6th Floor, 193, Backbay Reclamation, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021. Tips a.      Avoid late payments or defaults b.      Keep credit limits low c.       One should avoid multiple credit cards and personal loans d.      One should avoid being Credit Hungry: Making applications for multiple loans at the same time indicates “credit hungry” behavior, which impact on credit scores. Always manage your debt wisely. If required, seek help from SEBI registered investment adviser. This competent professional will provide you effective ways of Debt Management. If you adhere to it religiously, you will be happy and peaceful even with your ongoing debt.


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